I believe that I have the thinking and idealism of a modern woman and I proudly say that I am pro-RH bill, pro-life, anti-poverty, anti-abortion.
I respect the church and I respect the government, I believe both have valid point in rejecting or accepting the bill.
I believe in the value of life but I also believe in the value of choice. RH bill is a matter of choice and is a matter of educating the Filipino youth and guiding the Filipino family. On the anti-RH bill's argument, they provide surveys and studies mostly based on another country.. Countries that are entirely different in demography and culture of the Philippines. Shall we rely on those surveys? For guidance - yes. The best way to see the state of the Filipino peoplw today is not through surveys -- they should try walking the streets of Manila, or try interacting with families in faraway provinces, try talking to DSWD or other government or charitable institutions or even orphanages! That is the true measure of what's happening with the Filipino population.
RH Bill also suggests Sex Education. The church is on defense mode because we are going against who we are. We are a conservative country, we frown on pornography and pre-marital sex and we disapprove of prostitution. But as we develop as a country and as technology reaches the Filipino people, every Filipino - young or old, male or female, rich or poor - are exposed to knowledge beyond their age and experience. Knowledge that they acquire from the media, from the internet or from the inexperienced children, they call their "friends". The youth would stumble upon their sexuality and we can't prevent that AND being the Filipinos that we are, we often brush off the idea of talking to children and explaining what being intimate means and the consequences of being intimate. Sex Education is the perfect support to the children's curiosity and take note the modules to be provided are age appropriate and does not encourage people to have sex, it is merely the elaboration and explanation of the knowledge that they already have.
RH bill is not the only solution in uplifting our nation, but it is a start. And we, as responsible young individuals, exposed to this modern world should learn to embrace change and give the future generation a chance and a choice to be aware of the choices they should or should not take.
My two cents..