Dear Baby,
You and I have been together for 18 weeks now! Daddy is happy that you and I are both okay, he likes touching my tummy every now and then. I look pregnant already baby and I am very much enjoying the perks of being one. I am treatd like a queen because of you, baby love. They know I am carrying someone very important - I am carrying a life. I know one day you'd be a parent too, you'd get to experience the joys of being a parent and you will know the happiness of knowing that I am carrying the greatest testimony of the love that your Daddy and I share. We love you, baby. And I know that we will fall in love with you again and again and again once you come out of my tummy.
In two weeks time we would hopefully know if you are our little Franco or our little Marga - we are excited! Your daddy thinks you are a baby girl because my nose is not yet swollen. LOL. My side of the family wants a baby girl while your dad's side wants a baby boy to carry the Blanco name. Either way baby, I know our big family would love you.
I have been growing an appetite lately baby and my throwing up days are finally over. I do have some back pains every once in a while but I think it has something to do with the way I sleep. I get tired easily, too. Daddy thinks I move too much at home but that's just the way Mommy is. I tend to clean and fix or try to find something to do. I am impatient and easily bored. LOL
Daddy on the other hand is extremely helpful at home. He cleans the house and washes the dishes - he basically makes sure that I won't find anything productive to do. I appreciate all his efforts, but I am a control freak and I wish he lets me have a sense of control on the things that he does at home.
I miss Mamu's adobong pusit, baby. I think I am finally craving for something. This is me with a pregnant belly talking now. One hungry woman. I hope Mamu sends some over real soon. I made lambing yesterday already - and i can't wait until I taste her cooking again!
I have to go back to work now, baby love.
Happy 18th week :)