After my SUY BAGS experience, I was able prove that quality bags does not have to cost you an arm and a leg. The trick is to find a brand that is sturdy and stylish. For a while now, the only item on my sturdy-and-stylish list is SUY Bags -- that is until I stumbled upon Therapy Bags
I have been stalking their facebook page for a while now but being on self imposed shopping ban, I mustered all my self control to not buy from any of their collection.
Let me tell you one thing about me, though - I have weakness for a certain four letter word that is spelled S-A-L-E, a week back I logged on the my fb account and saw that they were having a Crazy Sale, all bags from their new collection are sold for only P699. I lost all my self control and sent a text message with my order details. I got my bags a day after they shipped it to me.
At first glance I can say that their bags are not made from cheap material, the bags are made from thick faux leather and the metal closure is pretty secure. The designs are in trend and is sooo now. I love how they incorporate small details that really umphify the bag -- for the murray2 in taupe the braided handle and the studs and for the camille2 it's the animal print lining on the inside.
I chose murray2 because a girl should have at least one roomy bag in her lifetime. I mean, with the kikay kit, the umbrella, the perfume bottle and the planner, a girl needs space - lotsa space in her bag. This is also my new generic bag, the color literally goes with anything in my wardrobe. Camille2 is another story, see the bright denim blue color? It is the less conservative of the bags. It is also the smaller bag of the two but it's still large enough to accommodate my daily essentials. If you're feeling down a blue bag is the perfect pick me upper. The animal print inside the bag is like a dirty little secret - it's like I'm hiding something beautiful in my bag. I swear when I open the bag - I smile from ear to ear. Like SUY Bags, I know that their designs are well thought of.
Murray Shoulder bag in Taupe |
Don't you just love the texture? |
Camille2 in Denim Blue |
Animal print lining is love |
You can choose your own Therapy Bag from their facebook page or their multiply page. I swear that their online transaction is pretty efficient. Oh and did I tell you that they sell those vintage Casio watches too? Shop na :)
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