Thursday, May 22, 2014

My Labor Story

I haven't updated this teeny weeny space in cyberworld for a while now - nope I'm not acting up as someone too cool to have time to blog, truth is, motherhood tends to make any girl lose time for anything other than the tiny bundle of joy that makes pooping, farting and burping look adorable.

Yes, I am a mom now. Yes, I have sleepless nights and unpredictable hours and I look like a wreck but I have never felt happier. I gained weight that I am not sure I can shed off and stretchmarks that looks like it will never fade -- but I am contented and complete.

Let me immortalize my labor story through this blog and hopefully, blogspot would still be up and running by the time my little girl is old enough to read. Here it goes...

We were expecting the baby to come earlier than 40 weeks because the last week of August I was already having contractions and as my OB said my uterus was very very irritable already. The baby was already in full term by August 31, so anytime after that was acceptable. I was even hoping that the baby and Miguel would share the same birthday but looks like the little girl wants the spotlight to herself.

My 37th week passed and then my 38th week was uneventful, I was bored and I felt heavy and tired and just plain grumpy. I was channel-hopping and stalking people on facebook just to pass time. Every morning, Miguel and I walked and walked and walked to help the baby move farther down and finally come September 13, 2013, I woke up with a piece of my mucus plug in my undies -- I felt that the baby would be out soon. Problem is, it's Friday the 13th! Yes, I am superstitious. The contractions were getting stronger and stronger by noon but still the pain was bearable. I double checked my bag and the baby's bag and told Miguel not to go to work anymore - then the waiting started. By 10pm, I can still bear the pain but I have a feeling I am in labor already. I was decided to go to the hospital only when I can't walk already, I don't want to spend to much time in the labor room. I don't want devices attached to me, I wanted to be mobile.

12 midnight came and I realized that Friday the 13th was over, I was ready to give birth now. Around 1am I called my mom and told her that we were going to the hospital she said she'd be in the hospital first thing in the morning. I had second thoughts of going to the hospital but once we reached the bottom of the stairs going out the building, I realized that the pain is uncomfortable already and Miguel insisted that I might be putting the baby at risk by not seeking professional help. By 1:30am we were in the hospital, the guard asked me to used the wheelchair going up the labor room but I declined, walking makes me think less of the pain. At the labor room, they asked me to change into a hospital gown and got my stats, the worst part was thel part where they forced me to poop.. I know, I know, TMI. lol

I wish I could tell you that after going in at 1:30, I gave birth at 2:30. I'd be lying if I say that. I labored for 13 hours, yes, that's no typo. 13 hours. Good thing I have the best doctor and the best medical team ever. Doc Palma got in around 6am and never left my side. She monitored my contractions and decided to burst my bag of water when she noticed I wasn't getting far with my contractions. I came in the hospital 4cm dilated and went as far as 8cm, then I got stuck at 8cm. I have Doc's residents taking care of me all throughout the labor period - rubbing my back, tying my hair, helping me 'ride' each contraction. I was never alone. Another notable person is my anesthesiologist(did I even spell that right? Lol), I chose to have an epidural because I wanted to stay awake when the baby comes out. The anesthesia has to go through my back a.k.a my spinal cord. He had me curl up, with the help of a nursing aid and I did not even notice the needle was already in my back. Poof. Like medical magic, light hands I tell you. He mixed the dosage so that I can still feel each contraction but not as much pain, just enough to signal my body to push when needed. Epidural is heaven to a laboring mother.

A little before lunch time I was experiencing pain again. I was at 6cm going to 7cm then so the pain is pretty much mind blowing. I was tossing and turning and moving a lot that the needle at my back was no longer connected to my spinal cord. The last shot of epidural did not reach my body! The pain was intense! They had to re-insert the needle and it took what felt like 10years before the pain went down to bearable levels. Note to every woman choosing an epidural - Do not turn 100 times on your bed without assistance. You are not superwoman.. Yet.

At around 2pm I was still at 8cm but my blood pressure was rising to critical levels that Doc Palma decided that it is too much of a risk for me and the baby already. It's time to open me up. It was a scary moment. I was not prepared for an operation.. I went to the hospital ready for avaginal birth but Doc said that we already did everything possible not to cut me up. It's no longer about me. We need to choose what's best for the baby. She went out to tell Miguel and my mom that in less than an hour I will undergo c-section. I was wheeled out of the labor room at a little past 3pm and then baby was out at 3:26pm. Oh my scar is a bikini cut. Did I tell you my OB is great? Hehe

I was walking the next day. Out on my 4th day because I had to wait for the little girl who was under observation since I was a high risk mother. GDM and pre-eclampsia. My wound healed fast and it was closed up up real good. It was so small that I can cover it up with my hand.. Note that a 9.4lb baby went out of there. Doc, you are so amazing! :)

She's 8 months old now. I love her so much that it makes me smile remembering all the details of her birth.

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