Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mob Mentality sucks

Gossip. The worst enemy. It's when someone takes your words and molds it into something ugly and mean and your words become partially true or not true at all.

Kampihan. this goes best with gossip. When a group of people who talk about everything but themselves. It's when people find fault on other people and the common hatred intensifies with each accusation and then finally the lie becomes the truth and your vision of the what is real and what is not becomes unclear.

It's true that kung sino ang wala sya ang pinaguusapan -- I use to laugh at this, I think for me it is just a friendly banter. It's a way of showing that you miss someone. I thought it's like remembering your friend's booboos and laughing about life. Not anymore. I thank God that He blessed me with a person who told me what is happening right under my nose.

I just think that if you are friends with a person and you hear something good or bad you gotta confirm it first. I am not saying that I am the best friend ever, I do make mistakes but I always give someone the benefit of the doubt. Always. When people ask me before about another person I tell them the truth, I tell them what I hear and I tell them what the common consensus is. I do this not with the intention of gossiping but because I am sharing the confusion I am feeling -- because I thought they were my friends. For me, that was all that I did wrong, I shared my confusion. I shared what I heard. I reflected on this again and again and again. I realized that betrayal is the worst heartbreak.

This is the last time I am going to let this affect me. I don't ever want to defend myself again. When you don't reach out to a person to ask their side then you are burning bridges. If people I call my friends opt not to ask my side then I won't even bother to explain to them. I won't waste my time and I won't waste theirs. I just hate it when people take sides. I hate it. Mob Mentality sucks.

Again, betrayal is the worst heartbreak. I'm sad right now but I'll be okay real soon. I know I rough it out a lot with friends, I tease and make fun of them, that's just the way I show love. I guess what I am trying to say is that maybe they just don't know me at all that's why one word made them turn their back on me. As with ending any relationship, remember the good and let go of the bad. Bow.

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