Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The return of the comeback - LOL

The weirdest thing happened. I was chatting with my favorite antibiotic earlier -- yes tintin, that is you **hugs** when all of a sudden somebody sent me a message via YM -- Mac. Yes, the same Mac who was my boyfriend before Archie. I am stumped. really stumped! He said "Hi, did you miss me?" I ignored it, thinking it might be his gf using his account but then I saw the YM ID, it was our ID, the one we used to chat before. The one with a meaning that only we knew. The one whose password I changed to my default password when we broke up.

Okay - so despite my better judgement and out of curiosity, I pinged him back. I said "Hi". The he said I was the only person who understood him from the very beginning. He said he was sorry for the trouble he caused before and that he wishes I am good despite of the breakup. Breakup??? how did he knew Archie and I broke up??! It was getting creepier and creepier, he then asked if I am okay and if I wanted to meet up so he can listen to me. I told him to go home to his wife and 3month old kid and leave me alone. 

It was insulting - did he think that just because I was vulnerable that I would jump on a chance to go back to him?! The nerve. **eyes rolling**

On the other hand Tintin is trying to hook me up with Gani - his bestfriend who is two years younger than me. lol. It was fun, i forgot how it was like to be single. I forgot how it was to prowl haha

No - I am not rushing into another relationship, but I am eager to meet new people. Cute, lovable people for that matter. LOL! I forgot how to live without anything on my mind, not worrying about Archie - what he is doing, who he is with. This might be a baby step to recovery and I still have a long way to go. 

I still think about him, every now and then -- I can't help it. I see him as the lost soul that he was when I first met him. I just pray that he will be okay too. I want everybody to be happy. Nobody deserves to go through the pain and sadness that I went through - even Archie. If I have a super power I wish could have the ability to take away pain from other people.

I wrote the last blog entry so I can get on with my life and I am starting to do that. I am not my old self yet but there are a lot of people helping me to cope. The support of the people that loves me keeps me going. After five torturous weeks, I am finally laughing and smiling again.. I am moving forward.. I have given myself this day to recover. The only thing that is missing is a good night's sleep. Tomorrow is another day :)

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