Friday, August 26, 2011

Thank God for small blessings! :)

I am feeling better today - I spoke to Mommy and Tita Diane last night and I felt better.

I have been talking to people about how I feel, what I went through and how I am coping up. Everyone is sympathetic, everyone is surprised, shocked and angry. Sharing with people is like therapy for me, the more I share - the more indifferent I feel. It's like breaking a piece of my pain and throwing it away each time I talk. I am proud of where I stand right now.

When this thing started there was only five people that I talked to. Five people who knew what I was going through. They listened, they provided their thoughts and they were the best support group ever. They were a text, a call or an IM away. I am blessed to have them.

My sister was telling me that I don't look like I'm dying anymore(sigh of relief). My cough is slowly getting better and I am laughing more. I am happy that Papa Jesus gives me a reason to laugh and to smile each day. Earlier I was talking to somebody I least expected that I can open up to. I appreciate the subtle way he shook me up - he made me realize that I am becoming a negative person and that won't help me in any way. Self pity should never overpower me again. Ever. He was the person who got to me today. He spoke at the right time and the right moment, just when my heart and mind were ready to listen. Papa Jesus, thanks for making Washaley empower me. After talking to him - I felt uplifted.

Another surprise was a friend request from Gani - Tin's friend. I dunno why - but I was laughing the whole time I was hovering over the confirm button. It was a welcome distraction. A private joke between Tin and I. These small blessings makes things lighter and better and easier.

Tomorrow is another day. I am a living proof that when God closes a door, He opens hundreds of different windows of blessings! Have a fruitful day everybody -- SMILE. :)

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